Bizz Johnson Trail

Got halfway…to Goumaz Camp…chatted with the boy scouts and the sheriff’s posse then turned around, rode back to Westwood trailhead. Saw one bear, 2 deer, 1 cattle herd, 2 boy scout troops, 1 mounted sheriff’s posse. No badgers or cats sighted.
Double-track so bring a partner to sing and chit-chat with along the way. West to East starts in pine forest. Route enters Susan River canyon couple miles before Goumaz and the scenery starts to change.
It is a pleasant ride, highly recommend. Bizz.

Chico Airport — Durham Shuttle

Weatherman said the night before windy and hot. He was accurate. Wind out of the north at 300 knots with temps in the 900’s made for low humidity desert style riding. Started out heading north and soon landed on the airport at the north end of town as a destination thinking there would be an easy crossover to the west then south then east then north but it didn’t turn out like that exactly. Close. That wind made a good hill for about 1/2 an hour as the closest thing to a grade in this town are the CA-99 overpasses.