Creative Juice

oh you shoulda seen it man settin on the couch Friday morning pissin rain forecast says all damn day and i say to her i am going ridin and she says yer nutz be home fer dinner I says Okey dokey and off I go and it rains and rains and rains and i get to the trailhead and i says what the heck am i doin this for then realize that i need to do it to keep the juices flowin so off we go me and the bike and I am soaked within half mile of the car and i say to self, self just get to the next spot then the next spot then the next spot keep going keep goin an hour an a half later get to the overlook and there’s little white snowflecks amongst the rain drops and it’s stickin’ on the ground and i says to myself Geez Im kindof gettin cold out here so turn tail and blast it back to the car mud sprayin and flyin and deer dartin and no one else in the forest far as i can tell but me and it is a fine time to have to one’s self and it made me realize a larger fender would make the overall experience less bad.