Fat Ride Tin Pan Alley

Around the corner from Homewood it’s a good quick lap that usually turns into a trip to the airport back up through the draws and ends with a slog  up the hill. Always worth the effort. Former mining site with a stone hut located exactly at the bottom of the drainage which always was a headscratcher with obvious repercussions. Creep up onto the ridge overlooking Homewood Canyon where one of the Barker boy’s planted a repeater for his terrestrial internet system. SMB named it and so it is Tin Pan Alley but I think the USGS has it on record as something else…

Cotton Belt Route Fat Ride

Merlin came down from the Great Wet North to dry out for a bit.  We gathered our wits for a fat ride up to the dunes and on. Good loop up into the Slate Range foothills.

Searles Valley Fat Ride

Visit to Brother Bob’s.

“McDERMOTT, Brother Robert James, S.J., born October 5, 1917 in Detroit, Michigan. …He was educated at St. Brigid School, Los Angeles, Loyola High School of Los Angeles and California State University, Los Angeles. He entered the Society of Jesus on August 14, 1937. Labored for 22 years at Alma College, CA, as infirmarian and master bookbinder. Assisted with student housing at Loyola University of Los Angeles from 1963-1965. For the past 35 years, he labored at Loyola High School of Los Angeles as librarian, as instructor of typewriting, geology, and earth science, as founding moderator of the Geology-Paleontology Society, and as archivist. Member of many professional geology societies, such as the Geology Society of America; the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration; and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.”

Mylar Balloons: 2

Slate Range Dunes Fat Ride

Nearly invisible from the Trona Wildrose Road.  The dunes are collected on the lee side of a ridge midway upslope in the Slate Range.  Prevailing winds frequently drop their load picked up from sources south and west of here.  Nice spot for a picnic. Minimal garbage.

Mylar Balloon Count: 2